UK faces major change as the Transition Period ends on 31 December

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The UK government has confirmed there will be major changes from next January, as the UK leaves the EU at the end of the Transition Period. There will be new rules in many areas. For example, if you have a business, travel to Europe or buy/sell products and services.

Preparing your business.   Companies will need to make customs declarations to move goods into and out of the EU27 countries from 1 January 2021. The Ready for Brexit Directory provides a comprehensive guide to the key issues.

Travel to the EU27.  There will be new rules to travel to the EU, or to Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein.  Driving licences and insurance will also be affected.

Living and working in the EU27.  You may need to register or apply for residency. You should check that you’re covered for healthcare.

Staying in the UK if you are an EU27 citizen.  You need to check if you need to apply to the settlement scheme if you or your family are from the EU, or from Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein.

None of us have ever gone through a change of this magnitude in our working lives. And 1 January 2021 is not very far away.

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