The UK is due to leave the European Union at the end of this month. But there will then be a Transition Period until the end of December, during which EU law on the free movement of citizens will continue to apply.
Assuming that the UK and EU ratify the Withdrawal Agreement during January, the transition period will start on 1 February. In theory, it could be extended beyond 31 December, but the UK government proposes to legislate to make this impossible.
The EU Commission published a handy Guide in November 2018, when the Withdrawal Agreement was first being finalised, and it is still relevant for information purposes. It covers:
- The Transition Period and its Scope in terms of who is covered
- The rights of family members: Residence rights
- Entry & exit rules; Criminality & abuse
- Administrative procedures; Professional qualifications
- Social Security; Useful links
The Transition Guide can be downloaded by clicking here.