Ready for Brexit is independent and objective. It aims to help businesses and organisations manage the challenges and opportunities that Brexit brings.
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It is guaranteed that there will be non-tariff barriers, new regulations, requirements for customs paperwork and delays on all shipping routes to, from and through the UK.
It will be too late in January to start wondering about what has gone wrong
Ready for Brexit is independent and objective. It aims to help businesses and organisations manage the challenges and opportunities that Brexit brings. See member benefits 〉 Michael Dubicki, Business Development Director, Flexioffices This article is the view of the author and not necessarily of Ready for Brexit The Covid-19 pandemic has already led to major [...]
The side that has to settle quickly, often ends up facing a ‘take it or leave it’ choice
Ready for Brexit is independent and objective. It aims to help businesses and organisations manage the challenges and opportunities that Brexit brings. See member benefits 〉 Most companies are rightly focused on the managing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. But the risks of a No Deal Brexit at the end of the year are [...]
Ready for Brexit is independent and objective. It aims to help businesses and organisations manage the challenges and opportunities that Brexit brings. See member benefits 〉 Businesses are now having to grapple with the risks that Covid-19 poses to their supply chains and their ability to fulfil contractual obligations. This article is the view of [...]
The UK is entering waters it has not navigated since 1973 when it joined the European Economic Community, the forerunner to the current European Union (EU).
Businesses have become cautious in terms of the volume of office space being taken, particularly in the central London market.
Rosie Bailey, director of business development at courier services provider CitySprint, warns SMEs that complacency won’t necessarily deliver their businesses safely through Brexit, preparation is key
Richard Whomes, senior director at international business software provider Rocket Software, says tech firms must prepare themselves for recession without delay and he passes on his survival tips
Ian Osborne, vice president UK & Ireland for document destruction service provider Shred-it highlights the importance of being up-to-date with data protection best practice as Brexit approaches
With another Brexit deadline looming, Rick Smith, managing director of business rescue and recovery consultants Forbes Burton, dives into how the break from the EU is likely to affect British businesses
Barry Stanton, partner and Claire Taylor-Evans, senior associate, at Reading-based law firm Boyes Turner have these tips for helping businesses navigate the uncertainty surrounding Brexi
Supply chains must prepare for the worst as we still remain in the dark over the future of Brexit, says Daniel Ball, business development director at international e-Procurement and spend management solutions provider Wax Digital
Ed Cross, executive director of Cheshire-based procurement consultancy Odesma explains why it is critical to protect your supply chains from Brexit, in whatever form it takes
Stuart Crook, a partner at accountancy firm Wellers, explains the arrangements that HMRC has put in place for a No-Deal Brexit scenario and how to best prepare a business for it
Domini Hogg, founder of Tried and Supplied, a service that links food buyers and restaurateurs with sustainable and local British suppliers, explains how the food industry can prepare for Brexit by localising their supply chains
Nigel Wilcock, executive director of the Institute of Economic Development, paints a gloomy picture of the potential economic impact of a No Deal Brexit
David Miller, customs and AEO Consultant and co-founder of The Customs People, explains what UK exporters must do now to ensure that their goods move through customs as smoothly as possible in the event of a No Deal Brexit
Emma Salveson, co-founder of Cheshire-based professional training provider The Hub Events on why it is so vital that HR professionals are clued up about Brexit and how it will impact on staffing
Des Duddy, director of construction trade supplier Protrade Ltd, discusses the Brexit challenges and opportunities that the construction sector is facing
Mike McGrath, managing director of Cork-based procurement consultancy Arvo, explains how he is advising his Irish customers to assess and where necessary alter their supply chains for Brexit
Flemming Bengtsen, founder and CEO of London-based insurtech firm Nimbla, says insuring invoices could save SMEs from bankruptcy in Brexit economic climate
Susie Cummings, founder and CEO of board and C-level digital recruitment platform Nurole, highlights why adding a non-executive director (NED) with experience of European trade pre-1973 or global trade could benefit businesses trading with the EU post-Brexit
Todd Davison, director of personal guarantee insurers Purbeck Insurance Services, assesses the risks associated with personal guarantee-backed finance deals that businesses may resort to manage their cash-flow as they deal with the additional costs of Brexit
Helen Goldthorpe, associate and commercial and IT lawyer at Leeds-based corporate law firm Shulmans LLP explains how data transfers between the UK and the EU may be stopped in their tracks post-Brexit
Marlies Hoecherl, an international corporate lawyer and Brexit advisor at Cardiff and London-based Capital Law, outlines how Brexit will affect the UK’s relationship with key European countries and explains why these countries are better prepared than the UK for a no-deal Brexit
Julia Millidge, co-founder of Worcestershire-based open-source infrastructure software company Payara Services Ltd, explains how a new Portugeuse base and a focus on resiliance should successfully steer the business through Brexit
Shahid Miah, director of Birmingham-based fraud solicitors, DPP Business & Tax, looks at how a No-Deal Brexit will impact on VAT
Lara Bryant, VP sales and marketing at Herefordshire-based litter clearance tools manufacturer Helping Hand Environmental, outlines how she plans to continue her company’s global expansion despite Brexit
Tim Bell, the founder and managing director of DPR Group, which provides EU representative services, explains why UK companies may need to appoint an EU Representative post-Brexit to remain GDPR compliant
Guy Tweedale, regional vice president at international business software provider Rocket Software, advises the tech industry to prepare for the worst Brexit scenario and hope for the best
Katherine Noall, CEO of Sphere Identity, a global identity blockchain-based platform for identity storage and onboarding, looks at how Brexit could impact data protection and cross-border payments
Jenny Tooth OBE, CEO of the UK Business Angels Association (UKBAA), explains why business angels can offer so much more than money to SMEs, particularly in this time of Brexit-induced economic uncertainty
Steve Whiting, chief operating officer of Milton Keynes, Manchester and Glasgow-based data integration and business intelligence specialists Agile Solutions, warns businesses not to neglect their data when planning for Brexit
Sean Robinson, service leader at industrial automation expert Novotek UK and Ireland, advises businesses to harness the latest data software to assess, manage and minimise the impact Brexit will have on their organisations
Martin Dubbey, director of SafeguardAEO, and a former senior official with HMRC, explains why his company developed a software system to help with the complexity of applying for Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status and the benefits of doing so.
Carl Reader, founder of the #BeYourOwnBoss movement and chairman of business advisory firm d&t, explains how the move over to Making Tax Digital could actually help businesses prepare for Brexit
David Taylor, head of innovation and corporate affairs at UK liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) provider Flogas, looks at what a no-deal Brexit could mean for regulation and supply of gas in the UK
Gerry Myton, partner and head of indirect tax at England-wide Streets Chartered Accountants looks at ways to mitigate against this week’s crucial votes and what can be done now to prepare for Brexit, in whatever form it takes.
Andrew Kennedy, logistics manager of engineering group Kitagawa Europe looks at the options for UK exporters whose pallets must comply with EU standards for third countries in the event of no-deal Brexit
Lionel Taylor and John Bugeja, founders of specialist trade and supply chain finance consulting firm the Trade Advisory Network look at how supply chain finance will likely adapt to encourage UK export outside the EU post- Brexit
Jon White, UK managing director of shipping specialist InXpress looks at how retailers can battle the unknown to mitigate Brexit disruption as best they can
Mike Cockfield, CEO of stock control software provider Khaos Control delves into what the post-Brexit future looks like for both new and established eCommerce businesses
Duncan Geddes, managing director of Corby-based independent foam converter Technical Foam Services, explains why the biggest threat the UK’s manufacturing industry might face from Brexit is indecision and subsequently a fluctuating pound
Dmitry Grozoubinski, a former Australian trade negotiator at the WTO and founder of ExplainTrade, explains why trading on WTO rules in the event of a no-deal Brexit will vastly increase the workload of businesses of all shapes and forms
Antony Edwards, COO of customer experience optimisation specialist Eggplant, says that Brexit will present challenges to the UK tech sector, but it’s resilient enough to surmount them
Following the Government’s defeat last night, Malcolm Dowden, legal director of law firm Womble Bond Dickinson, outlines why legally ‘no deal’ remains the default position, and the complicated legal options available to avoid this
From contracts to group structure, Brexit could impact several areas of your business warns Bhavini Kalaria, director and founder partner of The London Law Practice. Here she looks at what practical steps businesses can take now to be ready for Brexit
Paul Hodges explains how Ready for Brexit developed into the only advice service for small businesses trying to navigate Brexit, in whatever form it takes
Clive Halperin, partner and head of corporate commercial at London-based GSC Solicitors LLP says businesses must make data transfer contingency plans and expect more data protection enforcement as a result of Brexit
John Perry, managing director of supply chain and logistics consultancy SCALA highlights why it is so important that small businesses audit their supply chains now to protect themselves from the effects of Brexit
Jake Trask, FX research director at international payments company OFX, advises SMEs who work in foreign currencies to check their currency exposure and lock-in rates now to lessen the pain later
Martin Reed, CEO of facilities management company Incentive FM Group advises those in the facilities management industry to include clauses in their contracts that offer them protection from the uncertainty of Brexit and from open-ended cost increases
Darren Hockley, managing director of eLearning provider DeltaNet International warns that the status of data held in the cloud may not be clear post-Brexit
Steve Holmes, UK director of European supply-chain provider Shippeo, warns that the transport distribution industry in the UK and the EU will be hit hard in the event of a no-deal Brexit
Ed Rimmer, group managing director of independent finance facility provider 1pm plc, says it’s vital that SMEs consider all their finance options to minimise the negative effects of Brexit
Stanley Chao is the author of Selling to China: A Guide for Small for Medium-Sized Businesses and managing director of US-based consulting firm All In Consulting, which helps Western companies expand into Asia. Here he explains why entering the Chinese market is easier than you think
Aziz Rahman, senior partner at law firm Rahman Ravelli explains why UK banks and other organisations could face extra obligations following Brexit
Corporate crime partner Francesca Titus and corporate crime associate Elliott Kenton from European law firm Fieldfisher explain how moves to tighten up EU anti-money laundering (AML) legislation could side-line UK companies
Rick Smith, managing director of company rescue specialists Forbes Burton is an expert at keeping struggling businesses afloat. He says if a company is to survive and thrive post-Brexit, preparation for it is key
Retailers must be creative to fill warehouse jobs post-Brexit says Brightpearl’s CEO Derek O’Carroll
Derek O’Carroll, chief executive officer of retail automation system provider Brightpearl says that retailers must be creative to survive a possible Brexit induced warehouse labour shortage
Simon Lafferty, associate, banking and finance; James Walsh, partner, technology and outsourcing; and, George McLellan, associate, regulatory group, all from European law firm Field Fisher look at what the future holds for the UK fintech industry post Brexit
Dan Ennor, commercial director of Global Freight Solutions (GFS), says that Brexit could incentivise businesses to expand globally
Karendeep Kaur, immigration analyst at immigration law specialist, Migrate UK, explains how to go about obtaining sponsor licenses for non-European economic area (EEA) citizens
Jake Trask, FX research director at international payments company OFX, says locking in exchange rates could be one way to protect your business against the uncertainties caused by Brexit
In 2016, Britain’s shock decision to exit the European Union triggered volatile exchange rates…
John Armstrong, director and co-owner of printwear and branding specialist Custom Planet is working on exploiting the pros and minimising the cons of the falling pound
This article is the view of the author and not necessarily of Ready for Brexit
Although the UK voted to leave the European Union back in June 2016, more than two years later most business owners are still unsure of what Brexit will actually entail…
Lionel Taylor and John Bugeja, founders of specialist trade and supply chain finance consulting firm the Trade Advisory Network, say that SMEs have to assess every aspect of their supply chain to see how it will be impacted by Brexit and what steps need to be taken to exploit the opportunities and mitigate the pitfalls of exiting the EU
The political discussions around Brexit have become ever more consuming as the intrigue and divisions between the different factions intensify…
The insurance industry will have to adapt its business plans and working practices as a result of Brexit, says Janthana Kaenprakhamroy, founder and CEO of Tapoly…
David Miller, customs and AEO Consultant at The Customs People says that businesses involved in importing and exporting should think about registering for Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status now to minimise any potential delays resulting from Brexit
Alan Gunner, business development director of supply chain platform Adjuno says businesses mustn’t be complacent about Brexit, they must act now to protect their future
The lack of clarity surrounding Brexit continues to engulf the headline news, as more and more UK businesses question what impact this move will have on their organisation. Everything is still opaque; there has been little progress made on resolving key items, leaving the majority of businesses feeling frustrated and apprehensive…
For businesses operating in the hospitality sector, now is the time to plan for the UK leaving the EU says John Coldicutt, chief commercial officer of the workforce collaboration software company, Planday
With so much uncertainty about the future relationship between the UK and the EU, it’s perhaps not surprising that there is also a great deal of uncertainty about what Brexit will mean for the country, some businesses are worried about the ramifications on the wider workforce, skills and supply chains, especially in the hospitality sector
For businesses employing non-UK citizens, now is the time to start future-proofing recruitment and retention policies and plans in readiness for the UK leaving the EU says Gary McIndoe, immigration solicitor and managing director of specialist business immigration law firm, Latitude Law.
This article is the view of the authors and not necessarily of Ready for Brexit
The progress of Brexit negotiations has offered little clarity or comfort for the financial services industry say Guy Usher, partner, derivatives and structured finance and Simon Lafferty, associate, banking and finance, of European law firm Fieldfisher
This article is the view of the authors and not necessarily of Ready for Brexit
Given the way in which negotiations have progressed so far…
The No Deal Brexit Action Plan maps out the time available and the time required to undertake the processes to prepare your business for a No Deal Brexit.

Your business will need to modify or completely change procedures to prepare for Brexit. Brexlists help you take a rigorous and structured approach to your preparations:
- The Executive Summary Brexlist Brexit checklist, as its name implies, highlights the key issues
- The Business Functions Brexlist Brexit checklist maps onto the key business functions in a company
- The Directory Brexlist Brexit checklist maps onto the topic headings in our Brexit Directory

highlight what needs to be done, and by when, to ensure that all parts of your supply chain are prepared for Brexit:
- Identify the key questions for your business
- Share key learnings with your business partners
- Identify the key challenges and opportunities
- Highlight key internal and external priorities

The Brexit Directory is an extensive database of information and links organised by business function to help you find the information your business needs to know.