Ready for Brexit is independent and objective. It aims to help businesses and organisations manage the challenges and opportunities that Brexit brings.
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What Boris Johnson is suggesting is that the UK will be trading on WTO terms, and without Australia’s better weather.
The UK has returned to the days of the gentleman amateur in the EU trade negotiations. Neither Cummings or Frost have any experience in trade negotiations, and their tactics are fatally flawed
Only a quarter of UK businesses are ready for Brexit
Ready for Brexit is independent and objective. It aims to help businesses and organisations manage the challenges and opportunities that Brexit brings. See member benefits 〉 Most companies are rightly focused on the managing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. But the risks of a No Deal Brexit at the end of the year are [...]
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the UK is still aiming to leave the EU at the end of the year.
A. Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty set out the rules for leaving the European Union. As with most negotiations, it assumed the leaving country would present its proposals for the post-withdrawal period – which would then be finalised with the other members. The UK government, however, has still not yet set out its post-Brexit trade objectives, […]
The general election result has provided a landslide victory for the Conservative party. Boris Johnson will now be putting everything into ‘getting Brexit’ done. But, what does that mean for your business?
The outcome of next week’s general election is difficult to call. One thing that is certain is that the uncertainty surrounding Brexit won’t immediately lift.
If Boris Johnson wins the election, the UK will officially leave the EU by the end of January.
Yet leaving the EU will simply be “the end of the beginning,” in Churchill’s famous phrase. The really hard part of Brexit will be about to begin. And there will be just eleven months left before the end of the Transition Agreement on 31 December 2020.
Brexit is up in the air. But it hasn’t gone away. Pretty soon, if Boris Johnson wins the election, the UK will have left the EU, and suddenly things will start moving very quickly indeed.
The good news is that the latest UK GDP figures from the Office for National Statistics show that the UK economy is not in recession.
Brexit is up in the air, but forget it and you put your business in peril. Never has the phrase “fail to prepare and you prepare to fail” been so fitting.
Ready for Brexit is independent and objective. It aims to help businesses and organisations manage the challenges and opportunities that Brexit brings. See member benefits 〉 (Shutterstock) We have a Brexit extension. We also have an extension of our Brexit uncertainty. We still do not know how Brexit will look. There are at least three [...]
Yet again, Brexit has been delayed and No Deal is off the table, for now. The UK and the EU have agreed upon a Withdrawal Agreement, but parliament has only provisionally agreed to this Brexit deal. Provisional is the keyword here.
Too many companies are sitting on the sidelines watching to see if the Prime Minister will be able to reach a deal with the EU and the party who is propping him up, the DUP.
This is not a bad dream. In the event of a No Deal Brexit if you import or export to the EU it is highly likely that your tax bills will go up.
No business operates in a vacuum. We are all reliant on external suppliers for our products and services. If one link in your supply chain is not ready for Brexit this could seriously upset your own Brexit prep.
Global traders know all about the Rules of Origin, they’ve been playing by them for years. EU traders don’t. They haven’t needed to for a generation. But that could be about to change. Here’s what you need to know about Rules of Origin.
Are you ready for No Deal by default? The wheels of UK politics and the judiciary could stop the UK from crashing out of Europe, but with 43 days left until the official leave day, No Deal and consequently no transition period is the default. Is your business ready for it?
The Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to have parliament prorogued. Have you, like many SMEs and large businesses, put your Brexit work on hold in the hope that a satisfactory deal will get done in the next few weeks or that Brexit will be delayed again?
There are now just 58 days to prepare for a possible no deal Brexit on 31 October. And between now and then, there may well be the disruption of a General Election.
The UK Government is cancelling holidays and putting minsters and civil servants on high alert to prepare for a No Deal Brexit on 31 October. As the Financial Times noted today: “The country is now run by people utterly focused on delivering Brexit and resolute in their readiness for that departure to take place without a deal.”
New UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, said last week that the UK must leave the EU by 31 October, “do or die, come what may.” UK, EU27 and EEA companies now have less than 100 days to prepare for a No Deal Brexit. That’s less than 70 working days; less if you plan to take a summer holiday.
This is a dangerous time for businesses in the UK. We are entering the school holiday period, and the focus on Brexit is being diminished by a lack of resources and the distraction of sporting successes.
Many people are understandably confused by the phrase “a No-Deal Brexit” and imagine it means ‘no change’ to current arrangements. Unfortunately, the opposite is likely to be the case.
Life for the haulage industry operating between the UK and the EU/EEA is likely to get more complicated in the event that the UK exits the EU on the 31st October 2019 without a deal.
Around a quarter of a million UK businesses, and many more in the EU27, will face major changes in their VAT arrangements if or when the UK leaves the EU without a deal on 31 October.
It’s now over 25 years since we stopped having to file Customs Declarations for trade between the UK and other EU members. Premier Margaret Thatcher’s vision of a Single Market and Customs Union covering the entire EU became real in 1993. Overnight, companies disbanded the teams of people who had previously dealt with all the paperwork that had been required.
Whatever happens over the next few weeks or months, if you trade with the EU and/or are considering trying new trade routes outside of the EU, it’s worth applying for an EORI number now. It’s free and it takes ten minutes.
If you only trade within the UK and Europe, Rules of Origin will not have concerned you. Brexit could make these Rules become a serious concern to you.
The cliff edge was averted. The EU granted us a reprieve. The Article 50 extension runs up until 31 October, but we could exit the EU in a matter of weeks if a deal is agreed upon before then.
A No-Deal Brexit could very easily be handed to the UK at 11 pm on Friday night. The parliamentary votes and cross-party talks continue and there have been attempts to block it, but No-Deal still remains the default position while an alternative solution is yet to be found.
The Government and Parliament are still to decide on the country’s Brexit fate. It’s frustrating, infuriating and ridiculous, but with ten days to go until 12 April, that’s what is still dominating the news headlines. Unless they sort something out rapidly, we will be leaving the EU without a deal and without a two-year transition period next week.
The EU has just stated that it feels that it is likely that the UK will leave the EU without reaching a Withdrawal Agreement. The UK Government also continues to state that while it is still seeking to reach an agreement with the EU, it is ready for a no-deal Brexit.
The blocking of the third Meaningful Vote on the Prime Minister’s Withdrawal Deal doesn’t also halt what is currently an inevitable crash into a no-deal Brexit next week. Although it could still be avoided, a no-deal Brexit on March 29th remains the default position. Is your business ready for it?
Watching the people in charge of our exit from the EU is like looking on as children play chess for the first time. Whatever happens this week, small businesses can’t afford to just watch and wait and see.
Ready for Brexit is designed to steer your business around the extra obstacles that Brexit is putting in its way and towards the opportunities that it has created. We are a one-stop-shop.
Brexit is already hitting business hard. And if no deal is agreed, consumers are going to wake up on March 30 to face a shocking reality. This is why Ready for Brexit has just launched the one-stop shop consumer guide to Brexit.
There are thousands of companies and sole traders working across the UK who are under the impression that their livelihoods will not be affected by Brexit. Chances are they are not reading this. They don’t see the need.
Depending who you listen to, WTO rules make global trading as simple as a game of Monopoly. Here at Ready for Brexit, we keep out of the politics, we just stick to the facts. And the fact is WTO rules are no simple fall back.
Do you use the CE marking on any goods or products that you sell into the EU27 countries? If you do, you may need to move quickly to protect your position, given that the chances of the UK crashing out of the EU on 29 March in a No Deal Brexit are rising by the day.
Not only are the politicians going around in circles, they are going around in their own circles; coming up with plans that either Parliament, the EU or both even at this late point still seem unlikely to agree to. While they spin their lines, business has to start thinking straight.
It’s time to think for yourself. Look at Brexit from the point of view of your business. Don’t leave it to the Government to protect your livelihood, at this point in time the economy doesn’t look to be their priority.
Ready for Brexit was set up soon after the referendum in recognition of the fact that reaching a deal that the Cabinet and the EU could agree on, and that parliament would go on to ratify, was going to be one of the most complicated negotiations ever.
Ready for Brexit is independent and objective. It aims to help businesses and organisations manage the challenges and opportunities that Brexit brings. See member benefits 〉 (Shutterstock) We are under no illusions. A no-deal Brexit is now highly likely. We could leave the EU without a deal in less than eighty days. Every player in [...]
Britain exits the EU on March 29th, 2019. As you can see from our ticker, that is just 100 days away and counting. We still don’t know what form it will take. Right now, the UK exiting with no deal is the default position.
The vote on the Withdrawal Agreement has been postponed. The Brexit uncertainty continues. We’re close to 100 days until Brexit day and a no-deal Brexit has never looked more likely.
Brexit is complicated. And, it is only going to get more so. If you’ve let the ins and the outs of the negotiations pass you by until now, hoping that some clarity would emerge that’s unlikely to happen any time soon.
The Withdrawal Agreement is not a done deal until it has been ratified by Parliament and this is not a certainty.
Reality is biting. There is a Withdrawal Agreement on the table. It’s not ideal, but the Institute of Directors, the CBI, and the National Farmers Union are among the pillars of industry who have put their weight behind it.
China is being heavily talked up by various trade delegations as a fantastic alternative or supplementary market to the EU. The author of Selling to China: A Guide for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, Stanley Chau, writes in our latest Analysis piece that trading with China is relatively easy.
How do you prepare for Brexit when you don’t know what the outcome is going to be? That’s the question that Deborah Price, managing director of British Boxers asked in our latest interview. And it’s one that we can all identify with.
Companies big and small are now stockpiling for Brexit. No deal is something that none of us want, but it’s an ominous storm cloud that looks increasingly likely to break over our isles.
The Ready for Brexit Brexsure audit tool launched this week. Months in gestation, the Brexsure Brexit audit tool has been carefully designed to give a pretty accurate picture of how smoothly your business will sail through Brexit.
SMEs are getting increasingly frustrated with the continuing uncertainty over the process by which the UK will exit the EU. The large PLCs are throwing millions of pounds at their designated Brexit teams whose goal is to have a contingency plan for every possible Brexit scenario.
A footnote within furniture group DFS’s preliminary financial report this week drove home how the Brexit effect will impact on almost every business in the UK in some way. DFS wrote that it hopes that its partner suppliers will increase the near-shore supply of the timber and fabric that they supply them with.
We knew that unpicking the UK from the EU was always going to be one heck of a puzzle. Sadly the Government seems no closer to solving it. It’s time to take their preparation notes for a no deal Brexit seriously.
The Government’s latest batch of no-deal planning notices is not an easy read. I’ve read them cover to cover…
Once upon a time, soon after the referendum, a bunch of experienced business people began to realise that Brexit probably wasn’t going to be a walk in the park.
Whichever side you stand on in the Brexit debate, the UK’s withdrawal from the EU is a mess. Unpicking decades of regulations that bind the UK to the EU was always going to be tricky. Ready for Brexit was set up in recognition of this.
We are an impartial business advice service …
The latest news on Brexit makes depressing reading. The post-Brexit forecasts predict talent drains, shortages, and hold-ups at the borders. The big fish are publicly stating how they are getting ready for Brexit, SMEs must prepare for Brexit too and there is no time to lose.
This week, we’ve learned about large corporations such as…
Understandably, many SMEs have put off planning for Brexit until the day arose when they actually knew what they were planning for. Now that the Government has published its first batch of Technical Notices advising what businesses need to do in the event of a no deal Brexit, it is vital that you start planning for Brexit now.
The Government may call it “unlikely”, but that doesn’t mean that SMEs can simply ignore its raft of documents detailing how a No Deal Brexit will impact most businesses, either directly and/or indirectly…
It’s been over two years since the referendum on Brexit and, as our countdown ticker shows, we’re just months away from our official exit from the EU. Many SMEs have understandably tried to get on with the work at hand while waiting to see what the terms of Brexit would be and how it will affect them.
After all, it’s difficult to prepare for something when you don’t know exactly what you’re preparing for…
Ready for Brexit has been set up to help businesses deal with the challenges and opportunities created by Brexit. In particular, we are here to assist SMEs who, unlike the large PLCs, don’t have the resources to create a full-time Brexit planning team.
The No Deal Brexit Action Plan maps out the time available and the time required to undertake the processes to prepare your business for a No Deal Brexit.

Your business will need to modify or completely change procedures to prepare for Brexit. Brexlists help you take a rigorous and structured approach to your preparations:
- The Executive Summary Brexlist Brexit checklist, as its name implies, highlights the key issues
- The Business Functions Brexlist Brexit checklist maps onto the key business functions in a company
- The Directory Brexlist Brexit checklist maps onto the topic headings in our Brexit Directory

highlight what needs to be done, and by when, to ensure that all parts of your supply chain are prepared for Brexit:
- Identify the key questions for your business
- Share key learnings with your business partners
- Identify the key challenges and opportunities
- Highlight key internal and external priorities

The Brexit Directory is an extensive database of information and links organised by business function to help you find the information your business needs to know.