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Have you prorogued your Brexit plans? (Shutterstock)
The Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to have parliament prorogued. Have you, like many SMEs and large businesses, put your Brexit work on hold in the hope that a satisfactory deal will get done in the next few weeks or that Brexit will be delayed again?
48% of UK chemical companies yet to transfer REACH registrations to EU entities; 41% of UK businesses have not carried out a Brexit risk assessment. These are two worrying percentage-related headlines that made the top story on Ready for Brexit in the last week. The first figures were released by the Chemical Industries Association, the second by the British Chambers of Commerce. Two highly respected businesses organisation. They are saying it like it is. It’s not about fear-mongering, but it is about waking up business leaders to get them to take action and get ready for Brexit. Not just for the security of their own organisations, but for that of those in their supply chains and everybody working and living in this country. If 52% of UK manufactured chemical goods can not be transferred to or from the EU that’s a lot of goods that won’t get into our homes and businesses.
Sticking your head in the sand and forgetting about Brexit is a dangerous stance to take. It’s not too late to get going, however. First start ticking off action points on the Brexit checklist, next carry out a Brexit risk assessment or Brexsure audit of those in your supply chain and then begin your No Deal Brexit action plan.
Get going without any further delays.
Anna Tobin
Ready For Brexit
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No Deal Brexit news
Ready for Brexit’s Consulting service helps businesses prepare for Brexit
The No Deal Brexit Action Plan maps out the time available and the time required to undertake the processes to prepare your business for a No Deal Brexit.

Your business will need to modify or completely change procedures to prepare for Brexit. Brexlists help you take a rigorous and structured approach to your preparations:
- The Executive Summary Brexlist Brexit checklist, as its name implies, highlights the key issues
- The Business Functions Brexlist Brexit checklist maps onto the key business functions in a company
- The Directory Brexlist Brexit checklist maps onto the topic headings in our Brexit Directory

highlight what needs to be done, and by when, to ensure that all parts of your supply chain are prepared for Brexit:
- Identify the key questions for your business
- Share key learnings with your business partners
- Identify the key challenges and opportunities
- Highlight key internal and external priorities

The Brexit Directory is an extensive database of information and links organised by business function to help you find the information your business needs to know.