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Yet again, Brexit has been delayed and No Deal is off the table, for now. The UK and the EU have agreed upon a Withdrawal Agreement, but parliament has only provisionally agreed to this Brexit deal. Provisional is the keyword here.
The delay to ratifying the Withdrawal Agreement has been allowed to enable parliament to scrutinise every sentence of the contract. The Brexit deal could literally fall apart as it is pulled apart by MPs.
There is also talk of a General Election and possibly a new referendum, the outcomes of which could change the Brexit landscape again: Crucially, they will also eat into the time needed for proceeding with the next stage of Brexit – negotiating our new trade agreement with the EU. Typically, free trade deals take years to complete. And if this trade agreement is not reached by the end of January 2020, in just over a year we could be looking at leaving the EU without a deal once again.
Uncertainty is always there in business, but this year has been particularly dicey. At least you have time to reassess how each scenario could impact on your company and then make a plan for each of these.
Whatever you do, don’t just sit on the sidelines. Don’t let things slip, stay prepared.
Anna Tobin
Ready For Brexit
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No Deal Brexit news
Ready for Brexit’s Consulting service helps businesses prepare for Brexit
The No Deal Brexit Action Plan maps out the time available and the time required to undertake the processes to prepare your business for a No Deal Brexit.

Your business will need to modify or completely change procedures to prepare for Brexit. Brexlists help you take a rigorous and structured approach to your preparations:
- The Executive Summary Brexlist Brexit checklist, as its name implies, highlights the key issues
- The Business Functions Brexlist Brexit checklist maps onto the key business functions in a company
- The Directory Brexlist Brexit checklist maps onto the topic headings in our Brexit Directory

highlight what needs to be done, and by when, to ensure that all parts of your supply chain are prepared for Brexit:
- Identify the key questions for your business
- Share key learnings with your business partners
- Identify the key challenges and opportunities
- Highlight key internal and external priorities

The Brexit Directory is an extensive database of information and links organised by business function to help you find the information your business needs to know.