The Institute for Government explains why No Deal is harder to stop this time

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Institute for Government

Think tank the Institute for Government’s latest white paper Voting on Brexit: Parliament’s role before 31 October, outlines why a No-Deal Brexit will be much harder for Parliament to stop second time around. Anna Tobin reports

The Institute of Government research explains that when MPs return to Parliament after their summer recess there will be less than two months before the UK is set to leave the EU. The options the UK faces are the same as they were in March: leave with a deal, leave without a deal, seek an extension to the leaving date or unilaterally revoke Article 50.

What has changed though is the Prime Minister. Boris Johnson has made clear that if the UK is unable to leave with a renegotiated deal on 31 October then the UK will leave without a deal. And the Institute for Government says those MPs trying to make their voices heard will have far fewer opportunities to do so this time. Consequently, the Institute for Government paper concludes:

  • It is very unlikely the UK will be able to leave the EU with a deal on 31 October
  • MPs can express opposition to no deal but that alone will not prevent it
  • Backbenchers have very few opportunities to legislate to stop no deal
  • A vote of no confidence would not necessarily stop no deal
  • There is little time to hold a general election before 31 October
  • A second referendum can only happen with government support

Click here to read the full paper Voting on Brexit: Parliament’s role before 31 October

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