The UK Government has published its second major tranche of documents advising individuals and organisations on how to plan for no deal. Anna Tobin reports
While the UK Government is still working towards a deal with the EU, it recognises that there is a possibility that the UK could exit the EU without a withdrawal agreement and it has issued its second batch of documents explaining what needs to be done to prepare for no deal.
Key amongst this is:
- British passport holders will have to have at least six months remaining on their passports from their date of arrival in an EU country post-Brexit
- Businesses whose industrial emissions are affected by the Best Available Technique (BAT) regime will need to adapt
- Details on how vehicle and component manufacturers would be affected
- The impact on European Regional Development Fund projects
- Changes to the reporting of CO2 emissions for new cars and vans
- How shipping companies will be impacted
- How the telecoms regulatory framework would be affected
- How the rules for broadcasters and providers of video-on-demand services would change
- How organisations receiving funding under the EU LIFE programme would be affected
- How importing and exporting non-harmonised goods would be affected
- How existing or potential bidders for UK public contracts and public sector buyers would be able to access and publish future public procurement contract opportunities
- How seafarers would be affected
- How holders of UK driving licences would be affected
- How those travelling with a European Firearms Pass would be affected
- How the collection and use of personal data would change
- How businesses and others regulated through environmental quality standards would be affected
- How leaving the EU without a deal would affect mobile roaming
- How merger review and investigations into anti-competitive activity would be affected
See the full collection of documents here
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